You Are Loved

AI image created in Midjourney by Rachel Adell

When people try to project their own hate through God towards people because of their skin color, origin, gender, or sexuality, I can’t help but think that this tops all other sins. Acting in hate in the name of God, who is love. Whether or not you translate the Bible to say this or say that in specifics about one group of people being favored over another, the commandment to love God and love our neighbor reigns supreme over all other commandments, teachings, and bible excerpts. Jesus Christ set the supreme example when He prayed from the cross, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” Matthew 5:44 reminds us to, “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Though, likely, this scripture is more aimed at those suffering form the persecution of those claiming to love Christ. I challenge my fellow Christians to ask themselves about their enemies, and now they treat them.

Since Trump’s second election, the hate is flying free. Men towards women, white people towards people of color, and the uneducated towards those expressing gender and sexuality in a freer form. These conversations are important to have, but not in a way that puts another person’s safety, humanity, and dignity at risk. All Christians, yes, even you are required to forgive everyone. That is loving your neighbor. We are genuinely required to forgive all humans, to give own repentence context and meaning. Does it make sense to beg God for forgiveness, when we can’t bare the thought of peacefully granting someone else use of their own God-given agency?

The predator myths about transgenders and the entire lgbtq community have been fabricated to support certain policies which would exclude that community from inclusion into society. Because, gasp, yes, they too are human. Human rights are an actual thing. And it boggles the mind that full grown adults are still in a mindset of that before elementary and primary school. Women are people, Lesbians and gay men are people, those who are both genders or identify with no gender, are people too. As Christians, we are taught that the fabric of society relies on the construct of the family. Whether or not you find this to be true, let’s all agree that love is the foundation of family. Love reigns supreme in all circumstances. Sometimes families look a little different. Sometimes blood, or straight, isn’t always going to turn out perfect and nice. Sometimes the most Christlike people in the room, are those who are queer or transgender. Yes, I said that. And I won’t take it back.

Please ask yourself if a man wearing a dress or makeup is really grooming a child for SA, or is that a societal notion you have accepted. Are there statistics to back that up? There have always been gender norms, and most people feel most comfortable keeping it that way, especially for their children. But to rely on the outside world to teach your children their own intrisic values is based in fear. If you do not have confidence in your connection and teaching methods as a parent, I would hope you look at that first, before blaming the outside world. For example, in our home, we teach that in order to progress and keep your family growing for eternity, you’ll need the two traditional genders to make that happen. If you find yourself feeling differently, or other people in your life find themselves feeling differently, we would advise that you proceed with love, tenderness and care. For yourself, most definitely, and those for your spiritual siblings as well. Life is not easy, and the more love we can extend, the better.

If you have disowned your child or family member, if you have used slurs, if you have bullied online, if you have ideas in your head that you’ve shared or kept to yourself that have made you act in a way contrary to your principals, it is never too late to change. You can look inside and identify where your peace has been blocked. Reactionary judgement and hate is never the way to enlightenment. Controlling others is never the way to finding your own joy and peace. Healing yourself, healing your family, and healing your community is a helpful shift in focus. Let’s add our voices to the need for more love, healing, and belonging. There is no need to isolate, bully, hurt, or kill someone because you disagree with them. That is a reflection on your monster within, not theirs.

God loves you, not because you check all the Christian boxes, God loves you because you are His. But you are not more His, than your queer brother or sister down the road. They are just as treasured and loved. If anything, they are teaching the world a beautiful lesson in vulnerability, gentleness, honesty, and bravery. To extend challenges to society’s gender construct is a powerful conversation to have. Instead of erasing it, we should be a part of it. Not in a ballistic, shaking our finger kind of way, but with a listening ear and open heart sort of way. Every person that walks this earth is another opportunity for you to expand your love. In this way, you can become closer to God. There may be principals you wish to share to “correct” those you disagree with, but is that really the point? Consider the time, consider the room, consider the message that God really wants people to hear and when. Vulnerable people need to hear that they are safe, cherished, important, and worthy of love. If it comes up, you can share that you aren’t sure why the Bible says a man laying down with another man is a sin. Because let’s be frank, you don’t have any idea why it says that. For all your know, it was something added or twisted by the Niacene Creed to help traditional families and society grow. In the meantime, you can be a friend. You can love as unconditionally as God loves you.

To my queer and transgender friends; In case no one has told you today, you are loved. God loves you. Your are seen, you are held. Your life matters. You are worthy to be here. Any hate you recieve it is not a reflection of you. That hate is a product of much unchecked assumptions and passed on myths and unresolved rage. I know you are are always asked to rise above it, but for the sake of feeling God’s love, you can rise about it. You will be aided and helped by Heaven. You are peace, you are love, I hope you can find time to embrace yourself every day.

You are light, you are color, you have a natural glow. But even on the days you don’t want to glow, just remember God loves you. And I do too.

Love, Rachel


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